Benson Kasue
Founder & Treasurer – Board Member
A graduate of Brigham Young University (Marriott School of Management) with a BS in accounting and an MBA from University of Utah (David Eccles school of Business), He has had progressive accounting and financial career with top USA corporations including FMC Corporation, HP, Dell, IBM, and United Technologies. Benson has extensive cost accounting knowledge, taxation, auditing, expert in financial planning reporting and analysis, budgets, and lean management skills. His dedication to work ethic is superior! He gets things “done”. Benson has led resource mobilizing efforts to save lives in East Africa and provided food and water to the needy. Benson is the founding chair of East Africa Chamber of commerce (EACC) in Dallas Texas and Kenya Diaspora Advisory council of Texas. Benson is an entrepreneur and continues to link businesses in both US and East African.